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This sleek and stylish wearable device is not only a fashion statement but also a symbol of your success in the digital world.                     

        What's in the Ring :
  • Loyalty Club benefits and gifts.

  • Free samples and testers from various suppliers and manufacturers.

  • "Tap to Spin & Win"- Daily drawing of valuable prizes

  • Discount coupons and deals..

  • Fast and elegant in store checkout - soon.

        One Tap - A World of Benefits and Rewards!


Golden Smart Ring

SKU: 1001

This unique Ring is a combination of Gold with a Pearl surface that gives the ring a luxurious and sophisticated look. Golden Smart Ring it's a high-fashion and technological marvel. 

It offers a more efficient and secure way to make contactless payments and loyalty. This smart ring is ideal for anyone looking to make their life easier and more stylish. 

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